Why Become a Yoga Teacher NOW?
Why Become a Yoga Teacher NOW? It is an unprecedented time in the universe and not much about the future is known. This is the point. Yogis and meditators have been waiting for this moment to arrive – the moment that really brings us into the moment of presence, for...
Which Organ in the Body is Responsible for Which Emotion? Chi Nei Tsang Can Help Process Emotions, Resulting in Greater Heath
Adrenal Glands The adrenals are the glands that sit on top of the kidneys and are mainly associated with handling our stress. They regulate sugar and salt in the body by the means of the hormones cortisone and fludrocortisone. Problems with the adrenals can represent...
Tantric Yoga and The Use of the Jade Egg
Don’t get me wrong. Classical Tantric Yoga doesn’t usually use a jade egg in the practice in order for it to be known as “Tantric.” All yoga is Tantric. We are not having sex in this yoga class. Nowhere near it. We are doing classical hatha yoga. Yoga using a jade egg...