Chi Nei Tsang Massage Training Level II and Karsai Nei Tsang

Dates TBA or by personal appointment due to COVID situation

Koh Phangan, Thailand

Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage

This training is specifically for people who have taken the Level One training, practiced Level One on clients for a period of at last two years and are now ready to enter into another level of the training.

CNT Level Two goes further into specifics of the massage, including wind gates, the ureters and inside of the navel. It will be included with the training in Karsai Nei Tsang, healing work on the genitals.

Karsai Nei Tsang works to rid the body of sediment collected in the groin, either from sexual repression, sexual trauma, or negative beliefs that have incurred in the mind on the topic of sexuality. It may also assist in fertility, menstrual issues and the ability to conceive.

Courses are not given in CNT and Karsai Nei tsang on a regular basis, but are done within longer retreats in tantric massage and also on an individual basis. Please note that if you wish to take the training on men and women, you must provide your own model, someone who is ready and willing to help you in your learning.

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