Chi Nei Tsang Training

This Chi Nei Tsang massage training is designed for your learning of our internal anatomy, how it works with negative emotions and how to heal with your healing hands and sounds.

Chi Nei Tsang Training 1

Chi Nei Tsang, when done with skill and care can help with disorders such as constipation, menstrual pain, bloating obesity, and headaches.

It can also help with the negative emotions that also affect our health, attempting to rid the body of repressed emotions like fear, grief, or anger.

CNT is a profound medical massage on the belly that goes deeply into the organs to release toxins, improve organ function, rid the person of lower level emotions and improve nutrient absorption. This natural healing sequence works sequentially deeper, moving from bringing energy to the system to help with digestion issues, fertility issues, and chronic pain. Some report the revival or regularity in menstruation, to being able to be fertile (men) and full of stamina, wanted pregnancies and weight loss.

As it is performed, givers and receivers begin to come in contact with specifically where the organs are, their functions, and also the emotions connected to the organs. The technique moves into a place of embodied comprehension of the complexity of our systems.

What you will learn in this Chi Nei Tsang Training ?

1. Tila touchpoints, pressure points and how to remove hardness in the belly. Learn unique belly massage in Thailand and bring with you as a practitioner.

2. The 6 Healing Sounds, the Tao as a way for healing and ways of cultivating and circulating energy while you give a session.

3. The importance of Chi Nei Tsang and energy with fasting, detox programs in Thailand and for long-term health.

4. How to hold space for the receiver and how to prepare for protected interaction between the giver and receiver. You will experience what it is like to have both roles, as we work on each other in the massage training.

Go deeper in your own process during the training to become transparent between us. This will give a better feedback loop for learning Chi Nei Tsang so that you can ask the right questions to get the information you need to be an effective practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang.

This training is also focused on the highest forms of healing – trust, ability, confidence.

Through transcendence and initiation on the alternative path, you can reach a new level of experience with massage. It is particularly beneficial if you already know some massage.

Investment: 550 Euro

Includes Manual & Certification and Instruction of giving a one hour Chi Nei Tsang session.   
You will be able to give session after 10 practice sessions once completed the training.

April 2-5, @ Arigalan, Mazunte, Mexico
June 16-19, Conscious Dublin, Ireland
September 2-5, Salt Spring Island, Canada