
the natural remedy for Yogis, meditators and Tantrics, the All-Natural Cure for MOST aliments that can be remedied with a spray!

35€/bottle, plus 5€ shipping and handling


is a plant that has been used for centuries for its medicinal and healing properties. This plant, whose scientific name is Heliopsis longipes, is native to Mexico and has been widely studied for its multiple health benefits. Chilcuague is used to treat a wide range of ailments and diseases.
It is common, when sprayed in the mouth or genitals to experience tingling and buzzing which can help with bad breath, cold sores or wounds in the mouth, sensitive gums, also digestion, sore throats, herpes, itching/bites and overall pain. It can leave a certain freshness in the mouth, has an analgesic quality when needed, and can also increase salivation, digestive juices and genital secretions and induces new sensations when needed/wanted!

Amazing and unique – you may not ever need anything else when going the natural path of healing and revelation (be sure to include meditation – it really can solve most things.) For those who practice mindfulness or meditation, Chilcuague can be used as a sensory aid, helping to center attention and bring focus to the present moment.
Common uses include:
Treatment of digestive problems: It has been used to relieve stomach pain, diarrhea and other digestive disorders.
Natural anti-inflammatory: Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation in joints and muscles, thus relieving pain/discomfort.
Antiseptic and healing: helps to disinfect wounds and accelerate the healing process.
Immune system stimulant: strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent diseases and improve overall health.
Anti-ulcerative, and antibiotic effects.
Stimulant for sensual/sexual conduct – begins as a slightly burning sensation, and changes into a different type of orgasm-enhancing addition to experimental play, alone or with another player.

Amazing and unique – you may not ever need anything else when going the natural path of healing and revelation (be sure to include meditation – it really can solve most things.) For those who practice mindfulness or meditation, Chilcuague can be used as a sensory aid, helping to center attention and bring focus to the present moment.
Common uses include:
Treatment of digestive problems: It has been used to relieve stomach pain, diarrhea and other digestive disorders.
Natural anti-inflammatory: Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation in joints and muscles, thus relieving pain/discomfort.
Antiseptic and healing: helps to disinfect wounds and accelerate the healing process.
Immune system stimulant: strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent diseases and improve overall health.
Anti-ulcerative, and antibiotic effects.
Stimulant for sensual/sexual conduct – begins as a slightly burning sensation, and changes into a different type of orgasm-enhancing addition to experimental play, alone or with another player.