Creativity Training

Workshops, Classes
Intuitive Mandala Painting

Creativity Training

Take your disbelief in your ability to draw or paint, transform it into a powerful tool for the development of your artistic, creative side, and see this flourish colorfully throughout your life. Watch for boosts in libido, bettering drawing or painting attempts, more comprehensive and interesting resolves to solutions and ways to beautify spaces you occupy.

Use meditation and yoga, even dance in some of the class, to help shift this belief.

Add some instruction on layering a painting, get wild and crazy with paint, then get conceptual and work through emotional turmoil on how it’s going to look. Lose all expectations and come out in another layer of detail and precision in strokes, or daring in style, depending on what you need.

Painting can be a particularly easy way, also affordable, to let go of an attachment or a negative emotion. Life has its ups and downs, and its up to us to use good ways to be happy, also blissful. Instead of zooming out or intaking something that isn’t good, grab a few paint brushes and see what is produced.

Enjoy for art’s own sake.

Date TBA
Time TBA
Investment TBA

Painting can be a particularly easy way, also affordable, to let go of an attachment or a negative emotion. Life has its ups and downs, and its up to us to use good ways to be happy, also blissful. Instead of zooming out or intaking something that isn’t good, grab a few paint brushes and see what is produced.

Enjoy for art’s own sake.

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