Dance is an important part of my existence. I didn’t know the power of it until I worked at the Osho International Meditation Resort in 2009/10. I always like moement, running, cycling, aerobics! swimming, etc. I realize this isn’t the case for everyone but I am one of those 10 per cent. Happy when moving, happy when moving with music, or with another body in a dance.
Dance for many people is something they feel embarrassed about. The insecurity of people can be seen in dancing, this is why many people, still, report that they can “only dance when drinking.” Let’s take substances out of the equation. We really don’t need them as we mature and become more conscious. If you like to move, move, put it to music and enjoy, there are many forms.
Dance becoming a meditation, integration and something regular (outside of a bar) has become normal. I sometimes break into a dance while waiting in a line. In the Osho ashram, at 6:45am there was dance after the main intensity of the Dynamic meditation (where you perform cathartic shouting as an exercise to “get it out,” which is anger, generally) and then jump rigorously yelling “Hoo!” (as in “who am I?”) as often as you can and then freeze in the meditation. The dance afterwards allows a period of integration and insight into what happened for you in this style of meditation and also allows a celebration, (as long as you dance), any way you please.
Then at 11:00am in the ashram there was always an ecstatic dance in the form of a meditation where I enjoyed a few minutes in the middle of a work day to go dance in my dress and then return refreshed for more welcome centre duties. Still in the ashram into the night there was always some form of dance celebration / conscious party that I loved. I danced through the ashram, never remembering to be so happy in my life, and took the dance with me. I bring it into my yoga and tantra trainings, knowing how much people enjoy dancing, once able to let go of insecurities.
This is the thing…insecurity is holding most of us back. We are afraid of what people think of us. The difference between a person who is meditating a lot and one who is not isn’t something that can be seen. Inner work is revealed with time, and what it shows is brave, grounded beings who have done the work, sometimes years of it. Alcohol, drugs, justifying, hiding or saying things without commitment fall away with intention which is solidified with meditation. The clarity of the mind separates people who wish and want from those who actually make things happen.
When you’ve done enough formal meditation (say, sit for quite some time), then your whole life becomes a meditation. The dance too! You can be wild and free, also seemingly out of control with the secret ability held in the mind. This is a true yogi; meditator, mover of mountains. The dance can then be your meditation, your way of integrating, or your joy. Its always you who has the intent..