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final picture of a session introducing tantra


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Not really. Every phenomenon that happens in and around us happens due to some karma. Having said that, it doesn’t mean that if something is fatalistic, you simply accept that everything is karma and you can’t do anything about it. No, that is a wrong understanding of karma. Karma is a phenomenon, and you have the power to change it in the future because life is a combination of freewill and destiny.

I’ve done many things to clear karma. I used to do unconscious things when I was younger, maybe even now, and certainly I had past lives where I feel I was not nice or ethical.

Meditation does a lot already to unwind the defilements in the mind. Through the act of prostrating and taking refuge in my Buddhist path, I feel I have purified our negative actions in this life and lives past which have accumulated through our body, speech and mind. As this has such interest to me along the path also of yoga and meditation, I have used my body for this experimental experience because our body is engaged in the act of something holy, spiritual or even “yogic.” The prostration itself, or equitable to it is the sun salutation (a favourite thing of mine to do and to teach) which really honors the human body as a vessel for purification, gives reverence to the divine and warms you up to make it a day worth living (one that hopefully doesn’t incur negative karma for you to get rid of!)

We continuously prostrate to “lower ourselves” or in other word to dissolve the ego. Yes, go high, higher to go low, or really just stop the huge shifts in emotional states, so you are good with everything. Gradually, we will understand the need to modify our mindset and to comprehend and deal with our ego, which also serves to keep us alive many times. As we become less self-centric, we naturally open ourselves up more. For those on a spiritual path, this increases our ability to absorb the Dharma or other meditative/yogic/tantric teachings, also to give back to humanity, once the time in life occurs that one feels they are in a position and phase, to do just that.

I suppose this is why I have lived in many communities. They need help. Every tribe helps others to rise when the time is right. Once you understand karma, cause and effect, and really try it out, your own suffering begins to cease. You just stop doing the things that hurt yourself and potentially others, and you also learn how to get what you want without force, but mutual co-creation of goodness.



A formally and traditionally trained leader (500 hrs) of yoga and meditation classes, workshops and retreats. Owner of Open to Bliss – Massage and Awareness Program Training Company in Canada and Thailand. Specialties include: Hatha, Vinyasa, Agama and Sivananda styles of yoga. Practicing therapist in Shiatsu, Chi Nei Tsang abdominal, Lomi Lomi, Thai Massage and Cranial Sacral therapies. Over 15 years creating and implementing special events, managing people and leading organizations, as well as supporting alternative communities worldwide through therapeutic Osho-style counseling and women’s groups.

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