Online Sessions

Tantric Awakening, Community Work,
Holding and Healing Topics


Satyama gives online sessions to couples working on conscious relationships. Topics and experience can include: returning to passion in relationship, moving from holding back to full transparency and trust, clearing the past, from monogamy to free love, from empty nesters to manouvering with children and self, or any topic you bring forward, stated clearly, prior to the 45 min session beginning.

PM to discuss session details, prices, needs and possibilities. Solutions are situational to your dynamic.

You, just You

Online sessions in tantric awakening for several intentions. One: to become clear on your intentions, as intentions are the seeds planted to manifest the life we wish to be living. We use vastly different methodologies, healing meditations and situational settings to bring about the topics, clear them, focus the mind and move forward with not only the conscious mind, but also the subconscious, getting to the core of the belief or idea of what your reality is now and how you can change it. Why? Everything we do is to be happier.

PM to discuss session details, prices, needs and possibilities. Solutions are situational to your dynamic.


For the past 15 years, Satyama has lived in intentional (and unintentional) communities observing their ways of working and not working! This experience has led to the ability to host forums for multi-person co-living situations and issues to come to the surface and be seen clearly. Oftentimes when the unspoken is revealed, it is enough to have the topics be re-considered, emotions to be felt and reasons to be known, understood. She pr. (Satyama) can work online with a group to give guidance and a recommendation report, also attend as guest to the community to work with next steps in the evolution of the group.

PM to discuss session details, prices, needs and possibilities. Solutions are situational to your dynamic.

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