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Significance of Building an Altar

In Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreats  and in teachings, I do an exercise with participants at the beginning of the program that has them make an altar with a partner in Mauna (noble silence).

The person, it doesn’t matter who it is, represents your divine partner. The silence is there as an exercise to help you tune into your and another person’s cues, wishes, intentions, desires. It is, like most exercises I do, experiential. For you to have a “tantric” experience. At least the start of one that can be a change in your outlook on life.

To do, begin with a consecration. Gather items that represent the elements of earth, wind, water and fire. Decorate it together. Meditate together once it feels complete. Keep it alive by refreshing it each day, light incense. Have the altar be a sacred space that reminds you that life is indeed improved when we ritualize it. Rituals bring an upleveling to our experiences, moving from the mundane to the divine, and from se-x to spirit. Intention is everything.

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