The Tao of Tantric Yoga

A Modern-Day Approach to Tantric Discovery via practicing tantric yoga and learning what it is, through sexual awakening and healing, celibacy and looking at both monogamous and open-relationship lifestyle mistakes from the perspective of a female yoga teacher and woman on a fully liberated spiritual path.

by Satyama Ratna Lasby, HBA, RYT 500 hours

The book can be ordered here.
Lasby’s revealing account of the study, embodiment and leadership of Tantric Yoga is purposely simple and to the point. You can learn a lot from her experiments in tantra and community. Learn how to study meditation and make your entire life be meditation. Learn what is community, really, and how to live in intentional communities, while at the same time not losing yourSelf.

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The Tao of Tantric Yoga calls upon the Path of Love in order to learn how yoga can ready a seeker for tantric rituals and authentic tantric experiences/ peak moments that make authentic living unapologetically worth the risk. Especially for women.
2nd Edition with new chapters: Women – How is Consciousness Playing Out Now? Plant medicine and the Tantric Way, the New Way of Teaching Tantra will be included.