Adrenal Glands
The adrenals are the glands that sit on top of the kidneys and are mainly associated with handling our stress. They regulate sugar and salt in the body by the means of the hormones cortisone and fludrocortisone. Problems with the adrenals can represent succumbing to the stress in our lives, not knowing how to deal with the stress or change the issue causing the stress. Stress comes from resistance and really has nothing to do with how hard you work or how many problems you have. Adrenal problems may mean that the path you are on is not the right path for you. Since you are fighting to stay on the wrong path, the burn out comes from pursuing a goal that isn’t right or easy for you.
Indications of adrenal insufficiency (know at times as Addison’s disease) are irritability, anxiety, panic attacks, anorexia, bulimia, sudden weight loss or seizures. The adrenals are associated with the function of the kidneys, which are associated with jealousy. When one is jealous, we cannot be happy with what we have in the moment as we are comparing ourselves with others

Liver and Gallbladder
These organs are closely connected. Problems with the liver, congestion or liver disease is an indication of the person’s anger. Together with this, a person with unexpressed anger (suppression of emotion when it appears) is often known to be a person with strong emotions and for some reason, they are suppressing the anger, it could be in the form of passive aggressiveness or inflammation of the liver, which can cause sudden outbursts of anger thrown at another person if they are bottled up.
The gallbladder when congested represents a fear of inappropriate expression. In Chinese medicine, the gallbladder is the seat of courage. When it is detoxified, such as in a gallbladder flush, it can help a person make courageous decisions in their life, often resulting in a satisfying life.

The heart houses decisions based on what love would do, so its is important to have the heart, energetically speaking, to stay open in order to have one’s true essence revealed. Vulnerability helps us to really understand the pain of human suffering and when shown is beautiful. A heart by-pass asks whose love you may be by-passing.

The emotion of the lungs is grief, and this is why we often have coughing issues when going through a break-up or dealing with loss. There is also association with breathing problems like Asthma that can come up when grief is retained. Frequent sighing or breathlessness can also be a sign of suppressed anger or unsatisfaction with what is happening in one’s life.
Kidneys: At the physical level, kidneys filter out the “anti” in life. They house the emotion of fear and jealousy and are considered to be the root of all the other organ systems. This is reflected in the idea that fear is at the root of the other emotions we consider negative or limiting

The pancreas is a gland secreting digestive juices through a duct into the stomach and secretes sugar regulating hormones directly into the bloodstream. The pancreas is most often associated with Diabetes, the body’s inability to process sugar. Diabetes is known to represent a denial of the sweetness in life. It may also represent a misplaced faith in one’s own ability to control the physical world. Given that the pancreas has a dual function (sugar and hormones), it reflects the duality of the universe. It has the ability to digest ideas and to extract that which is not only sweet, but life sustaining. A type one diabetic will not live long without insulin supplementation, and people lives less long if they are not celebrating life.

The spleen has the metaphysical function of transforming physical nutrients into metaphysical ones. It is also important to the immune system for fighting infections.

Metaphysically, the thyroid represents communication between the heart and the head. Problems with it, such as obesity can represent miscommunication between what one thinks and one’s actual truth. Problems with it can also be causing throat infections, representing an inability to speak up for oneself.

Cervix / Prostate
The sexual organs in women and men, where there are issues with either fertility, performance or pain can represent the person punishing themselves at a deeper level for inappropriately judged behaviours around sexuality.

Bladder infections or pain can represent nervousness or immaturity around the ability to “let go” in order to remain in the present moment. It doesn’t benefit, when nervousness comes into physical manifestation. This is why we need to urinate when we are nervous, and this is dehydrating. When the push is there to release, it’s a good indication to take a moment to see what is causing the holding. Same for constipation, and the massage can really help with elimination of toxins stored in the colon and in the lower intestines.

It is the skin that is the outer covering, holding things in and helping define our physical appearance. It is the first line of defense against invading organisms, which can penetrate is a person has difficulties with boundaries – both keeping in and keeping out.
Lack of balance between the inner and outer you results in rashes, boils, and also colds, flu and infections. Skin eruptions, even pimples, indicate long standing resentments not being expressed appropriately. Rashes represent anger and a struggle with heat – the system can’t cool itself when at rest as it is likely digesting events, so the person may need more rest and downtime. Itching represents dissatisfaction with the way things are going (eczema for example) or dissatisfaction with yourself. Invading organisms like parasites can represent a lack of discrimination about who you let into your life or into your body.